Excellent Taekwondo Academy

Martial arts and self defense are not the same

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Enhance self-esteem by heightening your physical and mental powers.
Build confidence by encouraging you to succeed and to take control of your life.
Develop discipline by thoroughly training your body and mind in the tenets and techniques of Taekwondo.
Teach self-defense by training you to recognize situations in which physical self-defense may be necessary, and teaching you how to control such situations to your advantage.
Strengthen your mind and body through increased physical coordination and mental discipline.

Fasa memanaskan badan

Memanaskan badan ialah satu bentuk senaman yang dilakukan sebelum sesuatu aktiviti dijalankan. Ia memberi kesan yang berfaedah termasuk mencegah kecederaan dan meningkatkan pengaliran darah ke otot-otot yang bergerak. Aktiviti memanaskan badan termasuk senaman ringan, aktiviti melonggarkan dan diikuti dengan senaman regangan. Fasa memanaskan badan mengambil masa kira-kira 5 hingga 10 minit.
Lakukan sebarang aktiviti aerobik pilihan anda. Kekalkan aktiviti untuk sekurang-kurangnya 20 minit setiap sesi. Patuhi prinsip F.I.T.T.
F.I.T.T. bemaksud:
F - Frequency (kekerapan) - Bersenam 3-5 kali seminggu
I - Intensity (ketekunan) - 60% hingga 85% kadar denyutan jantung maksima
T- Time (masa) - 20 hingga 40 minit (termasuk sesi memanaskan dan menyejukan badan)
T- Type (jenis) - Aktiviti aerobik/permainan pilihan anda

Saturday, September 8, 2007

What are the benefits for modern students of Taekwondo?

At Excellent Taekwondo Academy students develop:
  • Physical Fitness & Stamina - Taekwondo provides an extraordinary workout with attention to every area of the body.
  • Mental Health - In our fast-paced world, stressful situations are everywhere. It is well known that physical exercise done properly and regularly serves to release stress and to relieve anxiety. An excellent Taekwondo workout induces a natural high. Most students have remarked how, despite sometimes having motivational difficulty coming to class regularly, they always "feel great" after a class.
  • Intellectual Insight - The practice of Taekwondo is rooted in the concept of mental development through intense, dedicated physical activity. The ancients considered it "the Way" (Do). Modern students are, or become, seekers. They are excited by the journey.
  • Personal Growth - Taekwondo aims at the development of the individual person. The goal is not the conquering of someone else, but truly, the mastery of oneself.
  • Social Awareness - All the goals of the ancient Code of Honor apply today: Loyalty, Obedience, Love, Faithfulness, Respect, Honor. Students become skilled in leadership and they are expected to lead.

Friday, September 7, 2007


The ITF, founded by General Choi, is considered as being more traditional in style than the WTF. The ITF focuses more on poomse, wheras the WTF focuses more on sparring. Although the ITF does practice sparring, it only utilizes the semi-contact part, while WTF is more full-contact. Because the WTF puts so much emphasis on sparring, many people consider WTF as being more of a sport than an art. The poomses of ITF and WTF are also different, the ITF using forms (Tuls) developed by General Choi, and the WTF concentrating on the Palgwes and Tae Keuks. There were many attempts to unite ITF and WTF Tae Kwon Do, but these endeavors were unsuccessful.

Thursday, September 6, 2007