Excellent Taekwondo Academy

Martial arts and self defense are not the same

Monday, August 27, 2007


The following is a transcript of a two-minute speech I had to give when I received my second dan in taekwondo on July 9, 2006.

"I have been studying martial arts since the autumn of 1999. Since that time, I have not only learned how to defend myself, but I have also grown as a person. Martial arts has helped me become who I was meant to be. Also since that time, I have come across many different perspectives on what a black belt means.

A black belt is a symbol. A symbol is a representation of something - in this case, it is a level of accomplishment. Each belt in taekwondo represents a specific level of accomplishment. It represents what someone has learned, what someone can do, and how much that person has developed. A black belt, in particular, represents someone who has achieved a high degree of accomplishment and development. The black belt when given to someone, represents the high esteem and honour the Master places on the person. This is why we wear a black belt, it is a symbol of what we are and represents the great honour that has been bestowed on us.

However, the physical belt itself does not define us. It is only a symbol, and even without that symbol, someone can still be a black belt once that level has been attained. What does it mean to be a black belt? Being a black belt doesn't just mean that someone can do flashy kicks and break boards. It goes beyond that. A black belt is someone who has shown growth as a person, and continually strives to grow more. A black belt is a person who constantly works to improve oneself, mentally and spiritually. As well as being physically strong, a black belt must be mentally and spiritually strong. This is why "indomitable spirit" is a tenet of taekwondo.

When I first started martial arts, my focus was never on getting to black belt. At each level as a colour belt, my focus was on what I was learning and how I can improve. Before I knew it, I was set to get a black belt. Unfortunately, I suffered a knee injury and had to postpone my black belt test for a year and a half. By that time, martial arts became such a tremendous part of who I am that once I received my black belt, I knew I would continue studying. I have learned much in the two years since I received my first dan. This is why I am ready to receive my second dan in taekwondo. There is more to learn that only the next level can teach me.

If I could sum up what I have learned in the past two years as a first dan, this is what I shall say, Integrity is DOING what I'd expect others to be able to do. If I can do something, I'd expect others to be able to do it - in fact, I'd expect them to do better. This applies not just in martial arts, but in life as well.

Thanks to all the Masters and Instructors I have ever had. Many thanks to every person I have ever trained with, as they taught me more than they will ever know. Many, many thanks to Master Kim for believing in me and for the second dan. Special thanks to my "better half" for never holding me back."

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Seni Bela Diri Paling Digeruni

Memang tak patut kata sesetengah seni bela diri tu paling digeruni...tapi cuba ambil contoh ini,

  • Boleh memesongkan kekuatan lawan
  • Boleh tempur pergerakan pasif
  • Boleh bertahan pergerakan pasif
  • Boleh sekunci pada anggota badan lawan
  • Boleh cover serangan daripada pelbagai jarak
  • Boleh cover serangan dalam pelbagai arah
  • Pergerakan menyerang yang aktif
  • Pergerakan bertahan yang aktif
  • Memanipulasi kekuatan lawan
  • Tidak terlalu mengikut bentuk fizikal yang tertentu
  • Boleh disertai oleh setiap peringkat umur
  • Boleh disertai oloeh lelaki dan wanita
  • Dapat mengawal imbasan padu lawan
  • Tampak tenang dan pasif
  • Tidak perlukan banyak kombinasi serangan (combo)
  • Tidak banyak melompat
  • Pergerakan pasif yang berbentuk balas balik (counter)
  • Memerlukan pemusatan tenaga
  • Kekuatan serangan bergantung dari tujahan kaki kanan (kuda-kuda)
  • Banyak buah pukul pada titik-titik sensitif
  • Menggunakan daya imbangan lawan
  • Mementingkan kelancaran pergerakan manipulasi daripada serangan (tidak menyerang dahulu)
  • Ada unsur kebatinan (tak belajar pon takpe)
  • Pergerakan bertahan yang aktif semasa lawan menggunakan senjata

Tae Kwon Do

Taekwondo (atau pun Tae Kwon Do) merupakan seni bela diri Korea yang paling masyhur. Ia berasal dari Korea, telah diperkenalkan di seluruh dunia oleh Jeneral Choi Hong Hi, seorang panglima tentera Korea Selatan. Ia merupakan sukan rasmi Korea dan turut dipertandingkan di Sukan Olimpik sejak tahun 2000

Dalam bahasa Korea, Tae bermakna "menumbuk"; Kwon bermakna "menendang"; dan Do bermakna "cara" atau "seni". Jadi, Taekwondo bolehlah diterjemahkan secara kasar sebagai "seni menendang dan menumbuk".

Taekwondo mempunyai beberapa warna talipinggang yang menunjukkan peringkat atau pangkat seseorang pengamal seni beladiri ini.

  • · Putih
  • · Kuning
  • · Hijau
  • · Biru
  • · Merah
  • · Hitam

Setiap talipinggang mempunyai 2 peringkat atau pangkat sebelum dinaikkan ke pangkat seterusnya. Talipinggang hitam mempunyai 9 peringkat bagi ITF dan 10 peringkat bagi WTF. Peringkat atau pangkat bagi talipinggang hitam dipanggil "Dan".

Di Malaysia terdapat beberapa persatuan Taekwondo tempatan yang bernaung di bawah beberapa persatuan Taekwondo antarabangsa, antaranya:

  • World Taekwondo Federation (WTF)
  • International Taekwondo Federation (ITF)
  • Global Taekwondo Federation (GTF)

Perbezaan ketara antara WTF dengan ITF dan GTF adalah matapelajarannya. WTF banyak mementingkan aspek kesukanan di mana ianya telah diiktiraf oleh Majlis Olimpik dan telah menjadi salah satu acara di Sukan Olimpik sejak tahun 2000 iaitu Sukan Olimpik di Sydney, Australia.

ITF dan GTF pula banyak mementingkan aspek kesenian. Tidak seperti WTF, kedua-dua persatuan ini ingin mengekalkan kesenian Taekwondo yang berusia beribu-ribu tahun dan tidak hanya untuk mengutip mata apabila sesuatu pertandingan diadakan.

Seni bela diri

Seni bela diri (martial art) merupakan satu kesenian yang timbul sebagai satu cara seseorang itu mempertahankan diri. Ia merupakan kaedah berlawan tradisi dengan atau tanpa senjata dan selalunya tanpa menggunakan senjata api atau senjata moden yang lain. Seni bela diri telah lama wujud dan pada mulanya ia berkembang di medan pertempuran sebelum secara perlahan-lahan apabila peperangan telah berkurangan dan penggunaan senjata moden mula digunakan secara berleluasa, seni bela diri mula berkembang di kalangan mereka yang bukannya anggota tentera tetapi merupakan orang awam.

Boleh dikatakan seni bela diri terdapat di merata-merata di dunia ini dan hampir setiap negara mempunyai seni bela diri yang berkembang sama ada secara tempatan atau diubah suai daripada seni bela diri luar yang meresap masuk. Sebagai contoh seni silat adalah seni bela diri yang berkembang di negara ASEAN dan terdapat di Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, dan Brunei.

Bagaimanapun kemudahan perhubungan dan komunikasi yang ada pada masa ini memudahkan perkembangan idea dan seni bela diri tidak lagi terhad di tanah asalnya tetapi telah berkembang keseluruh dunia.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Choong Moo

Hwa Rang

Toi Gye

Joong Gun

Yul Gok

Won Hyo

Do San

The father of ITF Taekwondo-General Choi

Dan Gun

Chong Ji

White Belt

Are Patterns Useful In Modern Taekwondo ?

Patterns serve several purposes. They force students to practice techniques that are not normally used. They provide a history lesson of the development of Taekwondo and are a storehouse of decades of Taekwondo knowledge. Patterns contain techniques that are still effective even though they are not pertinent to modern competition sparring. Patterns provide a way to compete for students who do not compete in sparring. Patterns allow students to express their artist abilities. Patterns may be effectively performed either individually or in a group.

Pattern movements have little to do with sparring or self-defense. No one in Taekwondo believes that it is possible to practice techniques in patterns that would cover the huge number of attacks available to opponents or assailants. The first patterns that were developed were based on actual combat techniques and were used to record them. Many techniques in modern patterns are there just for flash, some may be useful, but most are useless. Combat strategy is not to have a vast repertoire of techniques, but to perfect a few effective techniques. This is the same strategy used by good tournament fighters. Masters of old practiced one or two patterns until the techniques become instinctive. Now we have so many patterns to practice that their usefulness is diluted.